What’s in a name?

On my walk today I found lots of plants. New ones seem to pop up every day! I love it when I notice a new flower, one that was not there yesterday. I took some photos of some of the plants…. then I noticed something!  This Is Ivy!


This is Daisy!


  And this one is called Poppy!

Then I started to think of a game I could play as I went on my walk. Especially as we can now go out for longer and travel to a park.

How many flowers or plants can I spot that have girls names?  Maybe you could play this with your family.

Check out the year four home learning for a message from all the staff. In my message I remind you to look at the PHSE project that you can do as a family. Before you go out for your walk/exercise/fresh air, make some lists for everyone. Think of things that you might see on your journey. Give everybody in the family a different list and make sure that the lists are varied. (they need about 10 things on each list- you could have some items on more than one list). Then when you go out as you spot the things on your lists you tick them off. [ of course you can just have one list and the whole family try to help each other to find the things]

Tonight I am taking part in another quiz. My family have taught me how to use zoom so I can talk to my daughter and my son who live quite away away from me. We are going to have a music extravaganza quiz. My husband, my daughter and myself are going to put on some face paints and have fun… I’ll take some pictures and then post them on my next blog. I will also set you some quiz questions for you and your family to enjoy.

Posted in: Year Four

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