Welcome to 3F’s Assembly
We hope you enjoy 3F’s first online assembly!
We have been learning about the Romans in Britain as part of our History lessons. The Romans invaded Britain and lived peacefully alongside the Celts for many years. However,  when King Prasutagus of the Iceni tribe died, his wife Boudicca and her daughters lost their lands to the Romans!
This caused Boudicca to lead a rebellion against the Romans. She was very fierce, tall, with long flaming red hair. She was very courageous and rode into battle on a chariot. We hope you can spot the many loud, fearsome Iceni warriors that were in our assembly!
Watch our assembly below:
Posted in: Year Three

Comments (One Response )

  1. Marinela Arseni - May 14, 2021 - 2:41 pm #

    Very nice

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