
2R’s Assembly

Throughout the year the children have worked hard on developing their handwriting and their sentence structure. They were greatly inspired by the story ‘Fox’ by Margaret Wild. This story is full of powerful illustrations and excellent vocabulary which caught everyone’s imagination. Using the text as our focus, the children were able to write character descriptions, [...]

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Building Homes For The Ducklings – Friday 14th May

We have been busy this week building some homes for the ducklings.  The ducklings were very hungry and thirsty today, they enjoyed drinking their water and eating their food.  Let’s see how much they grow over the weekend…! 🙂 

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Ducklings Hatching Part 2 – Thursday 13th May

We had another 2 ducklings hatch today!  One hatched at 9:30am, the next duckling hatched at 5pm.  Now we have 4 altogether!  “They’re saying cheep cheep!”  “They’re talking to us!”  We also built some homes for the ducklings using construction toys.  “This is the slide”  “This is the door.” 

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Welcome to 6G’s Assembly

Hello and thank you for watching 6G’s sharing assembly. We have been thoroughly enjoying learning about electricity in science this half term and decided to share what we have learned with you. We hope that you enjoy what we have created. We had a lot of fun creating it! Watch our Class Assembly below:

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Welcome to 2C’s Assembly

In 2C, we have been working really hard this term and would like to share with you some of our learning about the book 'Fox' and about our Science topic 'Plants'. We hope you enjoy it. Watch our assembly below:

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Welcome to 3F’s Assembly

We hope you enjoy 3F's first online assembly! We have been learning about the Romans in Britain as part of our History lessons. The Romans invaded Britain and lived peacefully alongside the Celts for many years. However,  when King Prasutagus of the Iceni tribe died, his wife Boudicca and her daughters lost their lands to the [...]

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Ducklings Hatching :) Wednesday 12th May

We had a great surprise when we came into Nursery this morning – one of the ducklings had hatched!  The Nursery children loved looking at the ducklings today and talking about what they could see. We first looked when the 2nd duckling hadn’t hatched yet and was inside the egg trying to hatch.  Then the 2nd […]

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Duckling Eggs – Tuesday 11th May

Here is today’s egg picture. Can you see anything?  Some of them are starting to crack! How egg-citing! 🙂    The children suggested some rules that we will follow and they also said how we can look after the ducklings and eggs.  These are the rules that they thought of:  Well done for your great […]

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Eggs! (2021) – Monday 10th May 2021

In Nursery today, we got some eggs! What do you think might be inside them? They are sitting in the incubator. What will the eggs do next? Keep checking our blog to find out!

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Goodbye Year 6

Goodbye and good luck to year six, we wish you all the very best! This fantastic origami artwork was made by JR in 6I. Well done!

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