
Works of Art and Creative Activities

Hi Nursery children and families,  Take a look at these brilliant art activities that some of you have been doing at home, maybe you want to try some of these activities (I know that we want to give them a go!).  A great way to create Elmer using shapes, glue and an empty milk carton!  […]

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Exploring and Exercising

Hello there!  Take a look below at more exciting activities that some of you have been doing, great work!  You’ve been going on plant hunt to explore and see what flowers and plants you can find:    You’ve been doing lots of exercising and trying Joe Wick’s PE classes:    You have been busy playing […]

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Literacy And Maths Learning

Hello Nursery children and families,  Here are some more exciting reading, writing and maths activities that you have been doing, what amazing work!  Wishing you all the best,  Miss Dulwich, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Sirazi 🙂 

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Nursery Art

Hi Nursery children and families,  Here are some of the amazing art activities that you have been doing at home.  All the best,  Miss Dulwich, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Sirazi 🙂    

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Nursery Maths

Hello there to our Nursery children and families! How are you all doing? Here are some of the brilliant maths work you have been doing. Addition, matching numerals to quantities, tally charts, writing numbers, sorting everyday objects into 2D shapes, wow you’ve been working hard! Wishing you all the best, Miss Dulwich, Mrs Thomas and […]

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Readers And Writers

Hello again to our Nursery children and families! We really hope you are all doing well. You’ve been doing more great work at home. Let’s look at some of the amazing writing and reading work you have been doing! All the best, Nursery team 🙂

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Miss Slyman’s Challenge

Miss Slyman has set her 6I class a challenge this week. They need to send in pictures of their home-baking skills. Here are a few of the delicious contributions from Megan, Austeya, JR and Isha...lovely!

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Add a little face paint!

This is my husband, my daughter and myself. Every week we have a zoom quiz with other members of the family. There are about 10- 12 groups that join in. Each time someone different is in charge of asking the questions. It’s just a little bit of fun, and it helps those of the family […]

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Counting, Crafts, Planting, Tray Gardens…

Hello again Nursery children and families!  How are you all doing?  It’s been so lovely to see your fantastic work, you’ve been so busy!  Take a look at what you have been learning:  Wishing you all the best,  Nursery team 🙂 

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What’s in a name?

On my walk today I found lots of plants. New ones seem to pop up every day! I love it when I notice a new flower, one that was not there yesterday. I took some photos of some of the plants…. then I noticed something!  This Is Ivy! WAIT! This is Daisy! HANG ON THERE’S […]

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