
Nearly missed them!

Well I nearly missed these…they were going so fast.  The Red arrows flew over London on Friday. They were a part of the V.E. day celebrations. when they got to London they sprayed out red white and blue smoke. They are very loud as they go past.  

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Nursery Hello And Home Learning

Hi Nursery children and families, We hope you’re all doing well, we’re missing you all.  So many of you have been busy reading stories on Bug Club, which is fantastic! We’ve also seen some great work that you’ve done on Purple Mash and from our home learning packs. Thank you for all your hard work!  […]

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Not such a sunny day today but look what I found!

Today I found some interesting plants and other things…BUT I HAD TO LOOK VERY CAREFULLY It made me think. I wonder if it is really noisy for those ants, ladybirds, worms and earwigs that live under these bells. I thought about them blowing in the wind and how much noise they would make. Can you […]

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Another early morning walk…what did I find?

   That looked like cotton wool to me! When I looked closer… it was a wriggling mess of caterpillars… still munching away at the Hawthorn tree they are on. So I went on the hunt for spiders webs. You can just see this intricate pattern on this spiders web. How does it do that? It […]

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Why don’t you try this …it’s magic

We watched some magic today Take a pack of skittles   place the skittles onto a plate in a round circle Carefully add some boiling water Then sit back and watch the magic….

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St Georges Day at John Perry

What a day…St George like you have never seen before

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We are all very proud of our John Perry children, today they  painted lovely rainbows to adorn the walls of Queen's Hospital and King George's Hospital. Another wonderful idea.. Thank you. .

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We are so proud of our John Perry children creating this 3D artwork ' Not all superheroes wear capes'. What a lovely idea and a great activity for the children.    

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History on our doorstep!

        On my walk this morning I came across this!  It is part of World War two. It is called a Tett Turret.  During World War two there was an airfield based in Hornchurch. Hornchurch is 3 stops on the tube train from Dagenham East (the station closest to our school).  Air […]

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Spot the difference

Have some fun during this temporary school closure. There are several differences between these two pictures, can you spot them?  

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