
Look what I found on my walk this morning!

Wow look at these! On my walk this morning I went past a tree (A Hawthorn) and I noticed a small cotton wool blob on the end of a branch. At first I thought it was a spiders web. But when I looked closely WELL!! look what it was. These wriggly caterpillars have just hatched. […]

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Mrs Moreline’s Morning Walk

Hello to you all. This is me and my dog Pepper on our early morning walk. We go out once a day for some exercise as that is what we are advised to do by the government. I usually go very early in the morning because I won't meet many people that way. Also it [...]

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Key Workers

A big 'THANK YOU' to all the 'Key Workers' from John Perry Primary School. Stay Safe!

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Watch out Master Chef

Year 4’s are continually developing our cooking skills. Last week we created our own stir fry using fresh vegetables, noodles, lemon juice and soy sauce. This week we surprised ourselves by making apple tarts using home made pastry. We used a number of different cookery techniques including: peeling, cutting, slicing, dicing, rolling and mixing to […]

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Year 4 Mayan temples

The Spanish conquistadors discovered whole abandoned cities with strange pyramids and other buildings in the middle of the rain-forest. We created our own Mayan temples. This one is even taller than Mr Flint.  

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Our Mayan Headdresses

This term our Humanities topic is ‘The Mayans.’ Mayan headdresses were an important part of the Mayan attire. The quality and sometimes the size of the headdress would tell people about the social status of the wearer. Can you spot any Royalty among our tribe?

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Painting in the style of Claude Monet

Over the last few weeks we have been working on our painting skills. Using Claude Monet’s famous outdoor scenes as a basis, we created our own.                                       

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How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth

For the last two weeks of Spring term year 3 will be working on ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ written by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley. They will be writing instructions and focusing on developing their use of imperative verbs. In order to do this we decided to build our own woolly mammoths first […]

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World Religion Day

  We used water colours to produce our own paintings of the devastating wild fires in Australia.

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Our European Neighbours

This term year 4 are studying our European Neighbours. First we had to identify and name the seven continents of the world and then we had an understanding of where and how big Europe is. This week we used the laptops to find out the capital cities of many of the European countries. We now […]

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