Category: Year Six

6 Germany’s Leavers Production

"Year 6 are proud to present our Leavers Production. In 'Wow! What A Year', we recall all the highs and lows of the past year and a half. We are commemorating our place in history with unity, hope and a sense of humour. We hope that you enjoy watching our production."

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6 Italy’s Leavers Production

"Year 6 are proud to present our Leavers Production. In 'Wow! What A Year', we recall all the highs and lows of the past year and a half. We are commemorating our place in history with unity, hope and a sense of humour. We hope that you enjoy watching our production."

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6 Poland’s Leavers Production

"Year 6 are proud to present our Leavers Production. In 'Wow! What A Year', we recall all the highs and lows of the past year and a half. We are commemorating our place in history with unity, hope and a sense of humour. We hope that you enjoy watching our production."

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6P Class Assembly

6P have enjoyed being back to school after having to learn online for 8 weeks. We have all experienced strange times and our poem reflects the hope for our better future ahead learning about leaders in RE this half term - both secular and religious. We have learnt that there are many qualities needed to [...]

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6I’s Assembly

In 6I we have learnt a lot since being back from the latest lockdown and wanted to share a snippet of what we have been doing in class. As you will hear, we have been reading Holes in English and have been really enjoying getting to know the characters and the storyline. In maths, we [...]

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Welcome to 6G’s Assembly

Hello and thank you for watching 6G’s sharing assembly. We have been thoroughly enjoying learning about electricity in science this half term and decided to share what we have learned with you. We hope that you enjoy what we have created. We had a lot of fun creating it! Watch our Class Assembly below:

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Goodbye Year 6

Goodbye and good luck to year six, we wish you all the very best! This fantastic origami artwork was made by JR in 6I. Well done!

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Miss Slyman’s Challenge

Miss Slyman has set her 6I class a challenge this week. They need to send in pictures of their home-baking skills. Here are a few of the delicious contributions from Megan, Austeya, JR and Isha...lovely!

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World Religion Day

Last week to celebrate 'World Religion Day', year 6 created posters to show what they are inspired by. They used collage taken from newspapers and magazines to portray an abstract piece of work. They also wrote a small explanation about their inspiration for later life.    

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December-more like Religious-cember!

5L have been extremely lucky these last few weeks,  they have had visitors from different religions come into school and enlighten the children about their faith and their journey to their religion. 5L have also been on a trip  to see the Nativity in Romford. They were able to gain knowledge about the story of [...]

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