Tag: Class Assembly

1S Class Assembly

Welcome to 1S’s Assembly. We hope you enjoy all the things that we have learnt. In 1S we learnt about Plants and how they grow. We also read a book called Willbee the Bumblebee. 1S Class Assembly https://youtu.be/C-8vO3S8S40

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2W Class Assembly

We hope you enjoy our sharing assembly.  We are going to tell you about all the amazing things we have been learning in Maths, English and Humanities. We have worked very hard and had lots of fun.  We are looking forward to what we will learn next term. https://youtu.be/uf3RcItbsR8

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1A Class Assembly

This half term the children have loved learning about a variety of topics. Our assembly was created by the children. They told me all the things that have learnt this half term and what they would like to share with you all. The children lead all the ideas that you will see. So find out [...]

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3M Class Assembly

Please sit back and relax as 3M educate you about the Romans, mainly Boudica. Queen Boudica was a leader of the Iceni Celtic tribe. When her husband, King Prasutagus died, the Romans wanted her land even though it was promised to her and her daughters. Queen Boudicca led a revolt with other Celtic tribes. In [...]

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6P Class Assembly

6P have enjoyed being back to school after having to learn online for 8 weeks. We have all experienced strange times and our poem reflects the hope for our better future ahead learning about leaders in RE this half term - both secular and religious. We have learnt that there are many qualities needed to [...]

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6I’s Assembly

In 6I we have learnt a lot since being back from the latest lockdown and wanted to share a snippet of what we have been doing in class. As you will hear, we have been reading Holes in English and have been really enjoying getting to know the characters and the storyline. In maths, we [...]

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3H Assembly

In our assembly 3H will be sharing facts and information about plants and their life cycle and the Roman Empire and how it grew to be one of the most powerful empires of all time. https://youtu.be/sU23zXZScCk

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2R’s Assembly

Throughout the year the children have worked hard on developing their handwriting and their sentence structure. They were greatly inspired by the story ‘Fox’ by Margaret Wild. This story is full of powerful illustrations and excellent vocabulary which caught everyone’s imagination. Using the text as our focus, the children were able to write character descriptions, [...]

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Welcome to 6G’s Assembly

Hello and thank you for watching 6G’s sharing assembly. We have been thoroughly enjoying learning about electricity in science this half term and decided to share what we have learned with you. We hope that you enjoy what we have created. We had a lot of fun creating it! Watch our Class Assembly below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxZKTvp-Oc0

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Welcome to 3F’s Assembly

We hope you enjoy 3F's first online assembly! We have been learning about the Romans in Britain as part of our History lessons. The Romans invaded Britain and lived peacefully alongside the Celts for many years. However,  when King Prasutagus of the Iceni tribe died, his wife Boudicca and her daughters lost their lands to the [...]

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