Tag: Religious Education

World Religion Day

Last week to celebrate 'World Religion Day', year 6 created posters to show what they are inspired by. They used collage taken from newspapers and magazines to portray an abstract piece of work. They also wrote a small explanation about their inspiration for later life.    

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World Religion Day

To celebrate 'World Religion Day' 4K produced some religious art work. The theme was 'Are we spoiling God's good Earth?' We reflected on the fact that many religions teach their followers that the Earth is God's creation, but the beauty of it, is being destroyed by humans. Using water colour paints we demonstrated how our [...]

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World Religion Day

RD looked at lots of different information about 'World Religion Day', we spoke about the different religions in the world and the children said words that they knew based on their own religions. To show the unity and respect for each other that 'World Religion Day' brings, we created a colourful background of all the [...]

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December-more like Religious-cember!

5L have been extremely lucky these last few weeks,  they have had visitors from different religions come into school and enlighten the children about their faith and their journey to their religion. 5L have also been on a trip  to see the Nativity in Romford. They were able to gain knowledge about the story of [...]

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