Miss Stratton

Hello! Welcome to Year 4, I am Miss Stratton.

Year 4 is about team building and promoting independence. We encourage the children to be collaborative learners and active members of their class. All pupils are expected to learn all multiplication facts up to twelve times table and we have weekly spelling tests too.

As part of our Science curriculum, we learn about sound, electricity, states of matter, living things and the environment.

During the Autumn term, the children’s topics are ‘Early Civilisations’ and ‘Village Settlers’. They learn about the daily life of some of the significant Early Civilisations and position them on a timeline. During the Spring term, we learn about The Mayans, their culture and artefacts. We also study a unit called ‘European Neighbours’, where the children study maps and explore the names and locations of some European countries.


In English we study a variety of texts and genres including stories from other cultures, non-fiction texts and poetry. We use core texts such as The Iron Man, Christophe’s Story and Varjak Paw.

In Maths we will be learning key arithmetic skills such as using different mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In addition to arithmetic skills, your child will explore shape, time, fractions, data handling and will apply their maths skills to investigations and problem-solving.

Children in Year 4 also have the opportunity to take part in weekly swimming lessons and learn to play the fife as part of our Music curriculum.

For further information, you can view our Curriculum Maps here:  Our Curriculum.


Miss Stratton

Miss Stratton

My name is Miss Stratton. I have been a teacher at John Perry for 5 years, working in both KS1 and KS2.

Ms Miller

Hello Everyone, my name is Ms Miller.

I believe that you never stop learning and schools are a place to grow together. I enjoy making sure that lessons are interactive and engaging and I always encourage pupils to support each other. In 4K, asking for help is a strength, everybody needs help sometimes!

Mrs Kesavan

My name is Mrs Kesavan, I am a year 4 teacher. I have been working at John Perry for 3 years.

Mr Nkansah

My name is Mr Nkansah. I have been working at john Perry for 3 years. I have worked in Year 6 and now in year 4.



4J’s Class Assembly

Welcome to 4J's Virtual Class Assembly. We hope you enjoy watching. https://youtu.be/KkrFiTOrXDI

4V’s Class Assembly

Welcome to 4V's virtual class assembly. We hope you enjoy watching it. https://youtu.be/CVGOzp0Joh4