Our Curriculum

Introduction to Our Curriculum

Welcome to Our Curriculum Page

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure full coverage of the EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum. Our spiral curriculum provides children with a wide range of opportunities to revisit and build upon previous knowledge and skills. We want our pupils to have a strong moral sense so they become responsible and respectful members of society.

Our curriculum is designed to foster critical thinkers, questioning the world around them. At our school, children benefit from quality first teaching. Our ambitious and aspirational curriculum inspires a love of creativity where children enjoy learning and embrace challenge in a positive manner. We want our children to become lifelong learners.

We are an inclusive school where every child is celebrated, accepted and valued. Our curriculum is designed to celebrate and represent our cultural diversity. Our curriculum is engaging, contextualised and enables children to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills needed to thrive in a modern-day world.

We know that in our local ward there are:

· 64.3% deprived households – higher than the borough average (62.4%)

· 23.8% adults with no qualifications – higher than the borough average (22.7%)

Source: View Here

We know that our borough has:

· The highest score in London for employment deprivation

· The highest score in London for Education, skills and training deprivation

Source: View Here

We strive to offer our children, some of whom are from deprived backgrounds, the highest quality education and opportunities to experience learning outside of the classroom.

Curriculum implementation please click on the image to access this document.


Curriculum Impact

Rigorous monitoring of our curriculum ensures quality first teaching is being delivered in all of our classrooms. Learning is assessed in all curriculum areas to ensure that teaching is effective and meets the needs of all our pupils. Teachers continuously reflect on the curriculum and consider adaptations for future learning. We aim for children to leave John Perry Primary School as well-rounded individuals who are ready for the next stage in their education.

How we cover the Prevent strategy across the curriculum

Our curriculum promotes respect, tolerance and diversity. We are committed to ensuring that our pupils are offered a broad and aspirational curriculum that aims to prepare them for life in modern Britain. Children are encouraged to share their views and recognise that they are entitled to have their own different beliefs which should not be used to influence others. Our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) provision is embedded across the curriculum, and underpins the ethos of the school. Teaching the schools’ core values alongside the fundamental British Values supports quality teaching and learning, whilst making a positive contribution to the development of a fair, just and civil society. Children are regularly taught about how to stay safe when using the Internet and are encouraged to recognise that people are not always who they say they are online. They are taught to seek adult help if they are upset or concerned about anything they read or see on the Internet.

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum delivered in our school, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Buckle, our Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for Curriculum development, via the school office: office@johnperry.bardaglea.org.uk

Year Group Curriculum Overviews:2024-2025

ARP Sea/Sky – Curriculum Overview: View Here
ARP Sea/Sky – Curriculum Overview: View Here
Nursery –  Curriculum Overview: View Here
Reception –  Curriculum Overview: View Here
Year 1- Curriculum Overview: View Here
Year 2- Curriculum Overview: View Here
Year 3- Curriculum Overview: View Here
Year 4- Curriculum Overview: View Here
Year 5- Curriculum Overview: View Here
Year 6- Curriculum Overview: View Here

Year Group Curriculum Maps

Click on the year group below to find out more about our year group Maps.

ARP – Autumn 1
Nursery – Autumn 1
Reception – Autumn 1
Year 1 – Autumn 1
Year 2 – Autumn 1
Year 3 – Autumn 1
Year 4 – Autumn 1
Year 5 – Autumn 1
year 6 – Autumn 1

Half-Termly Newsletters

ARP Newsletter – Autumn 1
Nursery Newsletter – Autumn 1
Reception Newsletter – Autumn 1
 Year 1 Newsletter – Autumn 1
Year 2 Newsletter – Autumn 1
Year 3 Newsletter – Autumn 1
Year 4 Newsletter – Autumn 1
Year 5 Newsletter – Autumn 1
Year 6  Newsletter – Autumn 1

Home Learning Projects

Reception- Autumn 1
Year 1- Autumn 1
Year 2- Autumn 1
Year 3- Autumn 1
Year 4- Autumn 1
Year 5- Autumn 1
Year 6- Autumn 1

Cultural Capital

Cultural capital can be measured against how well one is able to succeed academically and engage in wider society. That is why at John Perry Primary we have designed our curriculum so that it provides our pupils with varied and relevant learning that prepares them for the world.

We understand that children have different starting points in life, whether that is academically, socially or emotionally but we strongly believe that this does not limit our children. Attitudes, beliefs and confidence are deciding factors that can stump or grow aspirations. Each child has the ability to be successful. Our aim is to improve the aspirations of our pupils through their experience at John Perry, which will inspire and open their minds to show them that anything is possible and to gain the cultural capital they need to be successful.

Combined with our approach to mental health and well-being, delivering a broad and deep curriculum, our character education and the school ethos and values, we believe that our children will gain the cultural capital they need to flourish and eventually become contributing members of our society, no matter what their starting point is.

At John Perry, we create opportunities to improve our children’s cultural capital through the implementation of our curriculum. Just to name a few, here is a list of events where our children gain cultural capital in school:

• Ballet lessons led by the Royal Ballet School in Year 3, with the opportunity for children to be selected to continue attending ballet lesson afterwards

• Each year we celebrate Black History Month. We take this time to reflect on the significance of black people and the fairness and equality of our society and think about what this means for us today

• Every year, we celebrate World Earth Day. We take this time to learn about the importance of our planet, the impact humans are making to it and the contributions we can make to make our planet better

• We are delighted to participate in charity events like the Winter Reindeer Walk, where we raised over £2000 for local hospitals, or Red Nose Day

• Special events such as Sports Day, which is celebrated every year, contributes to develop sportsmanship and ‘healthy competition’ so that children can derive joy from seeing their peers succeed

• As an inclusive school where everybody is welcome, every year we are proud to organise special events and learning opportunities to celebrate Autism Week and Mental Health Day

• Every week we hold a Word(s) of the Week assembly where we present a value, such as respect, tolerance or honesty, and a Celebration Assembly where our Stars or the Week are praised for representing these values

• We value and encourage punctuality and attendance as ‘skills for life’ and we hold several special assemblies throughout the year to celebrate our children’s 100% attendance • We believe in developing our children’s sense of pride and confidence: that is why parents are invited to watch a weekly Sharing Assembly where children have the opportunity to share the learning that has taken place in or outside the classroom

• As part of our Geography curriculum, we teach topics about current, topical global issues such as climate change and sustainability, recycling and renewable energy and human migration. Our pupils will reflect on the impact they have on the world and what this could mean for their own future

• During History topics such as the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians, the Royal Family, World War II and the Romans, the children will learn about famous people from history, their significance and what they believed in and stood for

• During our ‘Made in Dagenham’ topic in both History and Geography which runs through each phase, our children learn about the history and geography of the local area such as significant buildings, the local nature reserve, past and present industry and significant people who have links to Barking and Dagenham

• Through PSHE we make time to discuss topical ideas such as stereotyping and mental health and well-being. We learn about a number of stereotypes such as gender, race and cultural. We also discuss the importance of looking after our mental health and wellbeing well and what can affect it, along with showing empathy and tolerance towards those people suffering from mental health issues

Character Education

Here at John Perry our intent is to develop each and every child so that they become conscientious, responsible and respectful citizens. We are passionate about the holistic development of our pupils. We see every child as a whole person. Through our broad, balanced and deep curriculum we look to address the physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual and cultural aspects of a child’s life, who will be prepared to play a contributing part in society.

Character education is a fundamental part of anyone’s development. We understand that, as a primary school, we have a duty to develop each child’s character and are in a position to do so.

Through a meaningful and stimulating curriculum, we seek to promote independent learners. We aim to encourage and equip children with the vital skills that underpin our school values and philosophy.  Through all areas of the curriculum and the ethos of the school and staff, we take every opportunity to build every child’s self-esteem, tenacity, confidence, reflective and critical thinking skills so they are able to ask and answer questions. This will enable them to take responsibility for their own learning and become strong independent learners, which will equip them for all areas of life.

Here at John Perry we look to build character education through encouraging independence and rewarding desired character traits by/through:

• Annually appointing School Councillors for each class
• Annually appointing School House Captains and Vice House captains
• Encouraging the distribution of individual house points and reward winning houses every term
• Using an embedded Word(s) of the Week programme linked to aspiring human morals and ethics
• A weekly assembly to introduce the Word(s) of the Week and to discuss its meaning and children’s understanding of it
• A weekly Star of the Week celebration to celebrate individual children throughout the year, linked to the Word(s) of the Week
• An annual sports day to promote healthy competition and sportsmanship.
• After school clubs and teams, which go on to represent the school, to build the skills and attributes required to be successful
• A Golden Table reward to promote good manners and behaviour while in the dining hall
• Promoting British Values through our curriculum
• Promoting our School Values through our curriculum

British Values

The Government defines British Values as the values of:

• Democracy
• The rule of law
• Individual liberty
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

As a school we understand the importance of these values but do not believe that these values will be assumed just because we demand it. Instead we aim to encourage children to discuss their view points, and then understand and challenge them always in a respectful manner. This will be implemented by the study of SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Culture Education).

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education helps children develop personal qualities, which are valued in a civilised society; for example, thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for difference, moral principles, independence, and self-respect. At John Perry Primary School, we seek to teach these qualities across the curriculum and throughout school life. It is linked closely to our school values and ethos.

British Values in John Perry Primary School

John Perry British Vales Pamphlet For Parents

British Values Display

Outdoor Learning

Children are spending less time outdoors than ever before and this is affecting their health, wellbeing and development. Time outdoors will make children happier and healthier, as well as equipping them with the skills they need for life. Children should be provided with opportunities to care for and interact with their natural environment, which is what we aim to do here at John Perry. We are fortunate enough to have space for children to enjoy, play and learn around the school.

We have a pond area with benches, a bug hotel, planters and a range of trees and shrubs where the children go learn more about the natural world. Our pupils enjoy any opportunity to visit this area where they can pond dip, plant or just observe nature, which brings a refreshing change to learning inside a classroom.

Our EYFS outdoor area replicates the learning indoors but in a more active, hands-on way, always under the supervision of our EYFS staff who engage in meaningful conversations and games with the children to develop their communication and language skills as well as their physical wellbeing.

Around the school, we have a range of outdoor play equipment such as tyres, trim tails and play frames which all promote active play and get the children move and improve their co-ordination, turn-taking skills and agility without them even knowing it!

Year 5 and 6 Residential Trip to Fairplay House

In June 2024, a group of 47 Year 5 and 6 pupils and along with Ms Cabero, Miss Van Haeften, Miss O’Connor and Mr Luxmoore visited Fairplay House Outdoor Education Centre, a spectacular and inspiring 12-acre natural location less than 1 hour drive from London in Essex. Children and staff spent 3 days and 2 nights away from their homes and families. In many cases, this was the first time that our children found themselves away from their parents and out of London.

The aims for our residential trip were to develop our children’s teamwork spirit, resilience and independence. During the visit, the children participated in a range of outdoor activities, such as high ropes, sailing, beach art and caving. They also had the opportunity to do an evening walk, which helped them improve their orienteering skills, and sit around a campfire while they entertained each other sharing stories and singing songs.

As part of the experience, all children were assigned duties around the house, such as helping with the dishes, setting up the dinner hall ready for breakfast and dinner, tidying up their dormitories and communal areas and serving breakfast and dinner to their peers. It was fantastic to see how our children demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility, enjoyed learning outside the classroom and showed kindness and respect towards each other, all in line with our School Values.

From comments throughout the week and conversations once back in school, we were thrilled to hear that everyone had an incredible time working outside their comfort zone, facing new challenges, forming new friendships and appreciating the opportunity to spend a few days in such a stunning environment. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and every student represented John Perry Primary impeccably.

 EYFS Curriculum

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a distinct phase of education which applies to pupils in nursery and reception classes. It is characterised by a curriculum, which recognises the needs of very young children to have opportunities to play, explore their environment and develop good models of social behaviour and language.

The EYFS curriculum aims to provide exciting and relevant enrichment opportunities to all pupils regardless of their varied needs and abilities.

To facilitate this, Foundation Stage classes have a higher adult to child ratio than is always possible in the rest of the school. The partnership between home and school is a crucial element in children’s learning and needs to be formed at the outset. Children come from a wide variety of social, religious and cultural groups and they each should be perceived as valued and unique. All children should feel included, secure and valued.


Nursery Information pack: View Here

What can I do to help my child at home?: View Here

EYFS Policy 2023-24: View Here

EYFS Reading Policy 2023-24: View Here

EYFS Framework 2023: View Here

Click on the Image for information.

Nursery Progression of skills

Communication and Language: View Here

Expressive Arts and Design: View Here

Literacy: View Here

Mathematics: View Here

Physical Development: View Here

Personal, Social and emotional Development: View Here

Understanding the World: View Here

Reception Progression of skills

Communication and Language: View Here

Expressive Arts and Design: View Here

Literacy: View Here

Mathematics: View Here

Physical Development: View Here

Personal, Social and emotional Development: View Here

Understanding the World: View Here


Help Your Child Get Ready for School: View Here

Click on the Image for information.

EYFS Reading Curriculum


To provide a language-rich environment in which pupils acquire a wide vocabulary in preparation for them to become fluent and confident readers with a shared love of reading. 

A systematic approach to teaching early reading and synthetic phonics is aimed at ensuring that all pupils learn to read words and simple sentences accurately by the end of Reception
A consistent approach to teaching ensures that all staff have the confidence and skills to enable all children, including those with SEND, to make rapid and sustained progress from their starting points. 


In EYFS, reading is an important feature inside and outside the classroom. We have a range of ways in which we promote reading:
• Book corners that are stimulating and accessible, owned and loved by children
• Using core books to plan for children’s interests and class topics
• We have enthusiastic staff who share their excitement of books with children
• We have a range of quality books available in all learning areas of the classroom
• We use story props, story sacks, role play areas and displays to enhance core books • Well planned, shared reading sessions take place daily
• Opportunities are provided for children to learn from clearly modelled ‘reading behaviours’, for example, the recognition that print conveys meaning, the left to right directionality of English text, the purpose of punctuation
• Listening to and joining in a variety of genres, for example, non-fiction, poems, rhymes • Opportunities to retell and to act out stories using props and story maps. 

Phonics Teaching

Phonics teaching – Statement of Intent

At John Perry Primary, we value Reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers. Phonics is a way of teaching reading where children are taught to read letters or groups of letters by saying the sound(s) they represent. Children can then start to read words by blending the sounds together to make a word. We believe that Phonics provides the foundation to make our children confident and fluent readers and writers.

Phonics at John Perry follows The Phonics Shed programme. This is a phonic scheme of work linked to Letters and Sounds developed to match the National Curriculum expectations for both phonics and spellings. This allows our phonics teaching and learning to be progressive from Nursery up to Year 2 as well as allowing children’s listening and speaking skills to develop. In Early Years and Key Stage 1, Phonics is taught through whole class teaching input and small group activities. Where extra intervention is necessary, this is provided for children throughout Early Years and Key Stages 1 and 2.

There will always be a very small percentage of children for whom phonics does not work with their style of learning; in this instance, we will deliver an alternative scheme which enables those identified children to become fluent and confident readers alongside their peers, but focuses on a whole word approach as opposed to a segmenting and blending phonemes.

Phonics is divided into 6 different chapters  as learning progresses.

Chapter 1 – Activities are divided into seven nine aspects. Environmental Sounds, Instrumental Sounds, Body Sounds, Rhythm and Rhyme, Alliteration, Voice Sounds, Left to right, Fine and Gross motor skills and finally Oral Blending and Segmenting. 

Chapter 2 – Learning 26 letters of the alphabet and one sound for each. Blending sounds together to make words. Segmenting sounds into their separate sounds. Beginning to read simple captions. 

Chapter 3 –  Digraphs and Trigraphs such as “ch”, “oo” and “ignthrepresenting the remaining phonemes not covered by single letters. Reading captions, sentences and questions. On completion of this phase, children will have learnt the “simple code”, i.e. one grapheme for each phoneme in the English language. 

Chapter 4 – Now we move on to the “complex code”. Children learn more graphemes for the phonemes which they already know, plus different ways of pronouncing the graphemes they already know.  Working on spelling, including prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters, etc.

Alongside the direct teaching of Phonics, children have access to Big Cat Phonics books which support their level of phonetical development and encourage children to apply their new knowledge.


It is our aim at John Perry Primary for our children to:

  • Understand the intrinsic relationship between reading, writing and phonics and use the skills gained in Phonics to support and develop all areas of their learning
  • Become fluent readers by the end of Key Stage 1, being able to use and apply their knowledge of the 44 phonemes taught throughout EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2
  • Continue to develop fluency and comprehension throughout Key Stage 2, applying their learnt phonetical knowledge to new and unfamiliar words across a range of curriculum areas
  • Understand and apply the various rules relating to plurals, suffixes, prefixes, doubling and dropping, consistently in their reading and writing
  • Use phonic specific language such as digraph, phoneme and grapheme with confidence.

Useful Website Links

Phonics Shed– this website will give you more information on the scheme used in school to teach phonics

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/phonics-screening-check-sample-materials-and-training-video – this link will give you access to Phonics Screening Materials. These are resources for children who are due to complete the Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1.

https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ – A website with interactive games and support materials for children, which follows the progression of sounds in line with the Letters and Sounds scheme.

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds. This YouTube video shows how each of the 44 phonemes should be pronounced correctly along with giving example words to show context.

Information about Phonics for Reception Parents

Phonics Workshop for Parents: View Here
Phonics Information Leaflet: View Here
Phonics Mat: View Here
Tips For Parents: View Here

Information about Phonics for Year 1 Parents

Phonics Screening Check: View Here
Tips for parents: View Here

Welcome to Our English Curriculum

Vision of English


Here at John Perry, our English curriculum is designed to immerse children in a range of language-rich texts and therefore, with language acquisition at the heart, develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

Our carefully chosen texts reflect the diverse communities we teach and inspire a life-long love of reading. The texts, where possible, will link with other areas in our Foundation curriculum. We believe making these links in learning really helps our children to embed their understanding.

We study these texts in Reading lessons and then go onto learning about and writing in different genres, all based on these same texts in our English lessons, thus giving the whole English curriculum meaning.

At John Perry we believe that reading for pleasure is at the heart of developing a child’s love of books. This is used in our school to promote reading beyond the purpose of academics. We hold reading for pleasure sessions regularly and teachers schedule time daily to read to the children.

Through engaging lessons, we aim to foster a love of literacy, language and an enjoyment of learning. We challenge children of all abilities and ensure they make good progress in all areas of the English National Curriculum.

Our pupils are encouraged to have a growth mind-set and to develop the skills of perseverance and resilience. Through literacy, pupils are given a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. We celebrate children’s hard work and effort, alongside their successes. They are encouraged to revisit their work, making changes and developing their ideas to ensure they achieve their best.


We follow the National Curriculum for English to ensure that all pupils:

  • Are taught phonological awareness – phonics and spelling is taught regularly and systematically throughout early years and KS1. Spelling strategies are explicitly taught from Year 2 upwards.
  • Are taught the Nelson style of handwriting. Joined handwriting is taught from Year 2 and expected throughout Key Stage Two. During Year Three, pupils can earn their pen licence.
  • Read for information and pleasure in a range of settings; selecting and analysing stories, poetry and non-fiction.
  • Read easily, fluently and with good understanding.
  • Are articulate communicators, who can debate, share viewpoints whilst appreciating the views of others.
  • Acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
  • Have audience and purpose at the forefront of pieces of writing across the curriculum through celebrations of work.
  • Write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
  • Build resilience, learning through mistakes and altering accordingly.
  • Appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage.
Year 1 English Overview : View Here
Year 2 English Overview : View Here
Year 3 English Overview : View Here
Year 4 English Overview : View Here
Year 5 English Overview : View Here
Year 6 English Overview : View Here

Useful Website Links

National Curriculum English programme of study – View here
Big Cat reading scheme- suggested activities and guides for the reading scheme used in EYFS, KS1
and lower KS2 – View Here
Questions to help with reading comprehension at home with both home reading books and free
choice books. – View Here
Link to the Reading for Pleasure website. It explains why reading for pleasure is important and what
can be done at home – View Here

Handwriting Policy


The Handwriting Policy is intended to enable all children in the school to develop a consistent and legible script that will assist their writing. It follows the guidance of the National Curriculum and is supported by the use of the Nelson Thornes Handwriting Scheme. Effective teaching of handwriting can only be achieved through modelling. Teachers must demonstrate letter formation and joins regularly for children to practise by copying and repeating.

Key Principles

• Handwriting and having a correct pencil grip should be taught explicitly in short frequent sessions. It should be modelled by staff and then supervised.
• Staff should be modelling correct handwriting at all times E.g. when writing on the board and marking children’s books.
• Where possible, especially in EYFS/YEAR 1 it should be linked to phonics and spelling patterns.
• High expectations of writing are needed; children should repeat handwriting if incorrect.
• A pen licence will be issued at the discretion of the class teacher when the child can write with speed, fluency and legibility.

Welcome To Our Maths Curriculum

Maths Statement of Intent

At John Perry Primary School, we are all mathematicians from our youngest nursery child to our oldest member of staff! Maths lessons are a safe space for children to be creative, take risks and be responsible for their own learning – not being afraid to learn from their mistakes. We aim to provide children with a variety of tools that will help produce confident and resilient life-long learners of Maths, who enjoy learning and take pride in what they can do.

Children will develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills through stimulating and practical lessons that are challenging and inclusive. Maths at John Perry is also learning how to work co-operatively and have a positive attitude, which are essential skills not only for Maths but every aspect of school life.  

Our Maths curriculum and teaching effectively prepares the children for national assessments: the year 4 multiplication table check and KS2 SATs.
However, it does much more than that. It is relevant. It is engaging. It has a purpose. It shows that Maths is all around us and it prepares our students for the rest of their lives as mathematicians.

In EYFS: children learn to count, read and write numbers to 20. They will begin to use simple addition and subtraction. They will explore patterns, shapes, and objects, as well as, using everyday language for size, weight, capacity, time and money.

In KS1: children will use strategies they have begun to develop in EYFS. They will learn to use number facts and begin to use more mental strategies. The children will use practical and written methods to explore number in every day contexts. The use of mathematical language will be further developed, along with problem solving and reasoning skills.

In KS2: Children will have a secure knowledge of number and place value. They will be able to use all four operations in written forms and be able to use a wide range of mathematical language. With increased understanding, the children will explore more a variety of calculation methods and understand efficiency – which is the best method for a question? 

• Children are curious, ask questions and strive to find answers themselves.
• Children know that Maths learning is not just for the classroom.
• Children relish a challenge and work resiliently.
• Children understand the purpose of what they are learning.

Programme of study:
National Curriculum: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7da548ed915d2ac884cb07/PRIMARY_national_curriculum_-_Mathematics_220714.pdf  

White Rose Scheme of Learning: 


The website links below may also provide some useful resources to help with homework and provide additional challenge for your children: 

  • Times Tables Rock Stars: Visit this site for online Times Tables. A great resource for a fun way to learn your times tables.  


  • Top Marks: Visit this site for online Maths resources and games. These are ideal for KS1 children. 


  • Digit Dog Challenges: Visit this site for online challenges. These challenges are suitable for KS2. 


  • Toy Theater: Visit this site for online Maths resources. The games are ideal for KS1. 


  • Maths Bot: Visit this site for online Maths resources. The manipulatives section is very useful and ideal for all age groups. 



Calculation Policy

Year 4 Multiplication Check

EYFS Mathematics Information for parents

Science Curriculum Intent

At John Perry, we strive to create scientists from Early Years up, and to provide our pupils with practical as well as methodological skills to be used throughout their lives up to adulthood. We want our pupils to foster a healthy curiosity and develop and in-depth understanding of their local area and the world we live in. All children are encouraged to develop and use a range of skills including observations, planning and investigations, as well as being encouraged to question the world around them and become independent learners in exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions.

Our Science curriculum has been developed to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum and to adopt a sense of wonder about natural phenomena. We are committed to providing a stimulating, engaging and challenging learning environment where our pupils feel inspired not only to answer but to ask scientific questions. We want our children to have a broad vocabulary. Scientific language is taught and built upon as topics are revisited in different year groups and across key stages. We want our pupils to take charge of their own learning and communicate their ideas effectively, in order to lead them to a vocation of their choosing in later life. Science teaching at John Perry is practical, engaging and purposeful, ensuring all can be included.

Progression of Skills 


At John Perry, children will learn the knowledge as set out by the national curriculum. Every year group have their own scientific knowledge to teach, with some cross-over as they progress throughout the school. When children reach the end of John Perry, they will have a wholesome understanding about many topics such as light, forces, plants as well as many others as shown on the science curriculum map. Children will be given opportunities to explore differing avenues within their knowledge topic and will understand how this has a relation to their own life outside of school.  

Working Scientifically 

Children will build on and develop their scientific skills as they progress through primary school. These skills will give the children the opportunity to create more of an understanding of how to conduct a scientific investigation independently and how to use their results to understand how the world around them works. They will use observation and investigation wholly, with emphasis on different targets in every year group. Their skills build with every year that passes and will continue as they move on from John Perry as well. 

Science Links

  1. https://wowscience.co.uk/ – videos, online games, apps and much more all related to science topics being covered in school.
  2. https://science.howstuffworks.com/ – a great resource with articles on how almost anything works, from planes to tornadoes.
  3. https://pstt.org.uk/resources/curriculum-materials/Science-Fun-at-Home – fun science activities that can be completed from home.
  4. https://www.theschoolrun.com/science – science topics and terminology explained, complete with investigations and videos that could be used at home.

National Curriculum Links

Please find a link containing all the information about the programme of study your child will undertake in each year group. In some cases, you may have to scroll down to find a certain year group, or you can use the interactive menu on the left of the page:



Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2



Lower Key Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4



Upper Key Stage 2 – Years 5 and 6



Physical Education Intent

At John Perry we view Physical Education as an essential part of a child’s development. We want children to develop knowledge, skills, understanding and enjoyment around sport and physical wellbeing.

PE provides children with the opportunity to develop a positive attitude towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle and understanding the importance of values such as competition, fair play, teamwork and sportsmanship. Through collaborative and cooperative activities, children learn to overcome challenges, learn resilience and show respect for others.

PE is inclusive, allowing all children, including those with additional learning or physical needs, to take an active role in each lesson.

We also aim to provide children with after school PE clubs, including those which offer borough competitions to develop their ability to work towards a common goal and boost enjoyment of the subject.

We commit to providing regular swimming lessons where children are taught to not only be confident swimmers but also about water safety.

In EYFS, children develop their gross and fine motor skills through a variety of engaging, practical tasks e.g., cutting and pencil control and outdoor play.

In Key Stage 1, children learn basic movement skills including: agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others.
In Key Stage 2, children develop a broader range of physical skills, learning how to use them in different ways.

• To provide a PE curriculum that pupils not only enjoy but also allows them to experience a range of activities that help them to develop their health, fitness and wellbeing. 
• To practise and improve key social, emotional and thinking skills through physical education. 
• To help children understand and follow the rules of sports. 
• To understand the principles of PE to develop a healthy lifestyle into adulthood. 
• To develop children’s enjoyment of physical activity. 
• To develop an understanding in children of how to succeed in a range of physical activities and how to evaluate their own and others’ performances in a constructive way. 

PE Kit:
Children may not take part in PE lessons without the correct kit.
Indoor PE Kit
White T shirt
Black shorts
Trainers or plimsoles
Outdoor PE Kit
Blue John Perry jumper
White T shirt
Black shorts
Black or navy-blue tracksuit bottoms
Trainers or plimsoles
Extra Items
Tight fitting headscarf

In addition to this:
• No jewellery of any kind is to be worn during PE (this includes stud earrings). Children should be confident and able to remove earrings for PE lessons.
• All long hair should be tied back with a hairband.

PE Programme of Study
The website links below may also provide some inspiration to get active, we hope you find them useful.
Get Set 4 PE: Visit this site to gain limited access to the online platform we use at John Perry to plan and assess PE.
Boogie Beebies: Videos that get younger children up and dancing with CBeebies presenters. Ideal for children in Nursery and Reception.
NHS – Change 4 life: This website shares a number of links and ideas for fun home based activities at home, many of which link with other curriculum areas.
Active kids do better: A range of ideas and resources to inspire families to do some physical activity together.
Kids Activities: 45+ Active indoor physical activity games, arts and crafts and educational activities for all the family.

Below are some pictures from various PE activities across the school.

Year 1 – Team Building

Year 5 – Dance

Year 5 – OAA


Swimming Display

Welcome to Our R.E. Curriculum


Our Intent

At John Perry Primary School our Religious Education Curriculum follows the Barking and Dagenham agreed syllabus from SACRE. It has been designed to encourage our students to become inquisitive, enthusiastic, resilient, empathetic, and mindful learners, in line with our School Values. We aim to foster a safe and nurturing learning environment through thoughtful lessons, while promoting critical thinking and knowledge development. Our students gain insight into the different world religions while using personal experiences to make connections to their own values and beliefs.

The foundation of Religious Education in our school is underpinned by ‘The 5 R’S’.

These are as follows:

  • Religion- To have a clear understanding and knowledge of a wide range of religions and worldviews.
  • Reasoning- To ask thought-provoking questions and to be able to give in-depth and knowledgeable reasons as answers so that children can hold an informed conversation about religion and belief.
  • Respect- To be respectful and tolerant when learning about different beliefs, religions and values and to enable children to flourish as citizens in a pluralistic and global community.
  • Recognition- To recognise the similarities and differences between religions, local community and the wider society.
  • Reflective- To reflect on personal and different views and beliefs.

Through the teaching of R.E., we aim to equip our children with the skills and opportunities to make judgements about spiritual and moral issues, as well as informed decisions regarding their own beliefs. We aim to promote positive and respectful attitudes towards others, as well as sensitivity towards their peers and their beliefs. We want our pupils to be able to combat prejudice, preparing them for adult life, employment and life-long learning.

Useful Websites:

Barking and Dagenham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education:


KS1 Religious Education BBC Bitesize


KS2 Religious Education BBC Bitesize


Religious Facts for Kids


The Inter Faith Network


Religious Education Council of England and Wales


Year 2 Visit – Mr. Edwards talking to us about Parables (The Lost Sheep).

Award Ceremony for Places of Worship Competition

Year 1 Visit – Mr. Edwards talking to us about Baptism.




Year 6

In R.E, Year 6 were discussing how music can be important in religion. They considered why some people use music to worship and how they might feel when they hear religious music. They were able to listen to a variety of different religious songs across religions, and discuss and compare them. As part of their task, they were asked the create a short verse and chorus that relates to their faith or belief to share with the class.
Here is Yusuf’s remarkable rap!

Video Watch Here

PSHE Curriculum Intent

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is a crucial part of a child’s education. It gives children access to critical information, knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepared for life and work in modern Britain. At John Perry Primary School we provide a curriculum which meets the unique context of our school and the local area. Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. We give pupils access to ideas and conversations alongside practical experiences. At the heart of this, we encourage respect and understanding of British Values and our School Values.

At John Perry Primary School, we aim to promote children’s knowledge, self-esteem, emotional wellbeing and resilience, and to help them form and maintain worthwhile and positive relationships. Children will be taught to celebrate and respect themselves and their own cultural heritage, as well as others’, within our classrooms and local community.

We aim to develop key skills, including basic first aid, good communication and self-regulation strategies. We encourage the exploration of, and respect for, values held by different cultures within our local community and promote the development of positive attitudes. We encourage honesty and respect in all relationships, and nurture sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others.

We aim to enable children to develop a deepening knowledge of mental health and wellbeing. We aim to equip children and young people with information, skills and values to understand and to be able to cope with the physical and emotional changes which happen during puberty. The information provided will be relevant and appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.

Why PSHE matters here at John Perry Primary School.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

As part of our PSHE, we also deliver Relationships and Sex Education as well as Health Education (also known as RSE or RSHE) and British values.

SRE looks at the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up and relationships.

The DfE Guidance 2000 offered this definition:

Relationship Education is the lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care.

The latest guidance from the DfE has outlined the curriculum should be ‘inclusive to all pupils, whatever their developing sexuality or identity’ and that it should help young people develop an ‘understanding that some people are LGBT +, that this should be respected in British Society, and that the law affords them and their relationships recognition and protections.’

British values

The ‘fundamental British values’ that the DfE and Ofsted are asking schools to promote are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Promoting these values and embedding them in everything we do in school can help all children have a sense of belonging in Britain and develop understanding that while they can make choices in their lives they also have a sense of responsibility for supporting the freedoms of others. This is linked to our school value of demonstrating a strong sense of responsibility.

PSHE Programme of Study

Introduction to Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education – please visit our separate section on Relationships and Sex Education (SRE) for details on school policies and the RSE curriculum.


The website links below will provide support and additional learning opportunities for your child. We hope that you find them useful.

https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/: This website offers general information about PSHE.

http://www.tackling-racism.co.uk/for-young-people.html: Information and advice on strategies to address racism as well as information on different cultures, religions and nationalities to promote tolerance and respect.

https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/: Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. You can explore one of the six Thinkuknow websites for advice about staying safe when you’re on a phone, tablet or computer.

https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/: YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for young people’s mental health. Parents and carers will find a multitude of useful and helpful information in order to care for the mental health of your children.

https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/corporate/you-your-kids-and-money: Ideas and activities to help your child learn about money.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

As a part of your child’s educational experience at John Perry Primary School, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive taught programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education that gives children and young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.

The Department for Education has made changes to relationships and sex education following nationwide consultation which came into effect from September 2020 and all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements.

The statutory guidance can be found at:


The guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships.

Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up will give children and young people the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and help them take responsibility for their own well-being.

Consequently, since September 2020, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), along with Health Education, has become statutory, and form part of the National Curriculum.

We have reviewed our RSE curriculum and policy so we can be sure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their:

  • Age
  • Physical and emotional maturity
  • Religious and cultural backgrounds
  • Special educational needs and disabilities


The right to request withdrawal from the Sex Education component of PSHE  is explained in the FAQs document as well as in the RSE policy (see below).

To help you understand the curriculum requirements, please look at the information below which provides more detail.

Please find below:


PSHE/RSE Scheme of Work

 An overview of the PSHE/RSE programme of study at John Perry Primary

 A summary of what all pupils are expected to know by the end of primary school

  DfE RSE primary schools guide for parents

 Frequently Asked Questions about RSE

Basic First Aid Lessons

As part of Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing in our PSHE curriculum, children are expected to learn basic first aid knowledge and skills. It is beyond doubt that basic first aid can help save lives

By the end of primary school, pupils should know:

  • How to make a clear and efficient call to emergency services if necessary
  • Concepts of basic first-aid, for example dealing with common injuries, including head injuries

All children from Year 1 to Year 6 will learn the following basic first aid concepts:

  • Year 1 and Year 2: as part of the topic ‘Stay Safe’, children will learn to identify dangers in the home and around the school by looking and listening. They will also learn to make a call to emergency services confidently. We will base our lessons on planning from the British Red Cross resource Live it.
  • In KS2, our lessons will be adapted from materials by St John Ambulance. All children will learn to make a call to emergency services and how to deal with a head injury. In addition to this:
    • In Year 3, children will focus on bites and stings
    • In Year 4, the focus will be asthma
    • In Year 5, children will learn about bleeding
    • In Year 6, first aid lessons will include what to do when a person is choking and how to provide basic life support

As with all teaching, we will ensure that the teaching of basic first-aid skills is sensitive, age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate. We aim to make the learning as memorable as possible; therefore, we will present our pupils with different real-life scenarios so that they can role-play a situation.

If you would like to know more about the content of the lessons, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher via the Year Group email.



History Curriculum Intent


At John Perry, we value the importance of History and the role that it plays in allowing children to connect past and present-day events. Through History, we can learn how past societies, cultures and technologies have changed over time. Our pupils should develop a secure knowledge of local, British and world history. They should know when key events and time periods took place and how they are connected. By using the evidence available to them, they should draw conclusions about what life was like in the past and gain a better understanding of the world today. To achieve the objectives of the History National Curriculum, at John Perry each topic is taught through a half-termly topic approach. By the end of KS2, we would like our pupils to be confident at evaluating how relevant and valid a range of historical sources are. We believe that a good History curriculum should allow children to ask and answer questions, it should inspire them and challenge their perceptions. Educational visits to relevant locations, for example museums and historical sites, stimulate our pupils’ interests.  

Good History teaching aims to: 

  • Help pupils gain a clear understanding of the history of Britain and the wider world. 
  • Help children to develop a chronological framework for their knowledge about significant events and people. 
  • Inspire pupils to be enthusiastic and curious historians.  
  • Encourage pupils to ask relevant questions and think critically. 
  • Develop an understanding of the way of life and cultures of people in past societies. 


History Programme of study 


The website links below will provide support and additional learning opportunities for your child. We hope that you find them useful. 

Horrible Histories– Visit this website to watch episodes of Horrible Histories, play games and learn interesting facts. 

The School Run– This site provides a range of historical information, images and videos suitable for primary school children. 

English Heritage– This great website provides a wealth of information, videos, timelines, craft activities and even recipes to try at home. 

BBC History Bitesize– Visit this site to watch short clips and read information about British and World History topics and learn about significant famous people. There are also some interesting videos about key historical skills. 

Year 2’s Educational Visit to Valence House Museum

Geography Curriculum Intent

At John Perry, we value the importance of children learning about their local area and the wider world. Geography allows children to make sense of the world around them and helps them to build greater awareness and appreciation of the different ways of life around the world. Throughout their time at our school, pupils will undertake different learning opportunities to help them to explore their natural curiosity in the wider world. A good Geography curriculum should allow children to plan and undertake fieldwork to observe, measure and record features in the local and wider area. We believe that educational visits and specialist visitors can inspire and provide real-life experiences for the children’s learning and further motivate them to ask their own questions and develop their curiosity outside of the classroom. 

By the end of KS2, we want our pupils to be confident at using atlases and maps, be able to identify different human and physical features in real-life contexts and appreciate the similarities and differences between places, including our local area. 


Good Geography teaching aims to: 

  • Inspire pupils’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. 
  • Develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. 
  • Deepen understanding of the interaction between the physical and human world and the changes that happen over time. 
  • Develop pupils’ understanding of geographical vocabulary. 

Geography Programme of study 


The website links below will provide support and additional learning opportunities for your child. We hope that you find them useful. 

The Go Jetters– Ideal for Nursery and Reception-age children. The Go Jetters is a geography-based cartoon on CBeebies. The website provides links to episodes, facts and quizzes. 

National Geographic Kids- visit this site to explore fun facts, quizzes and competitions about the world, including animals. 

BBC Newsround– we often watch Newsround episodes in school as they present child-friendly and informative news stories. The website also provides a range of interesting articles, games and quizzes. 

BBC Geography Bitesize – visit this site to watch videos and read information relevant to the National Curriculum’s Geography objectives. 

Reception children begin to experience what a map is.


Year 2 explored the physical and human geography in our local area.

Art and Design Intent, Implementation and Impact


At John Perry Primary School, we intend to build an Art and Design curriculum that is engaging, inspiring and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We intend for pupils to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design through in-depth studies of artists and their work. We encourage children to cast a critical eye over the work of famous artists from around the world and converse about the techniques that they can see. We want our Art and Design curriculum to promote creativity and enjoyment through the arts.



At John Perry Primary School, we are dedicated to the teaching and delivery of high-quality Art and Design lessons, that inspire and promote imaginative outcomes. Art and Design lessons are a fundamental part of our school curriculum.

This is implemented through:

  • A well-thought-out, whole school, curriculum overview that promotes a range of topics and a progression of skills.
  • Well planned and resourced lessons that focus on the teaching of skills and techniques.
  • A curriculum that focuses on the process behind the artwork and encourages experimentation.
  • A curriculum that encourages children to consider how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
  • A curriculum that exposes our children to quality artwork, produced by well-known artists from around the world. The artists that we study are diverse and representative of the children in our school.


Children at John Perry Primary School will produce creative pieces of art and become proficient and highly skilled artists. Children will record their artistic ideas with confidence and will become critical of art and designs from a diverse range of artists. Through our carefully designed Art and Design curriculum, children will gain confidence and enjoy a wide range of artistic styles and movements. The Art and Design curriculum at John Perry Primary School inspires future generations of artists, creators and designers and this is something that we, as a school, are hugely passionate about.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Through planning and assessing the learning and development of each individual child, our EYFS curriculum provides children with a secure foundation. The EYFS Curriculum at John Perry creates opportunities for all learners to take part in activities that promote Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design, through a combination of child initiated and adult lead activities.

Children in EYFS at John Perry Primary School have the opportunity to:

  • Explore a range of activities that link to real life experiences.
  • Design and create using the world around them.
  • Use a range of art resources to learn through play.
  • Work collaboratively on a range of art and design projects.
  • Observe and respond to what they see and hear and then use this to inspire future creations.
    Artist Overview: View Here
    Access Art Overview: View Here

    Some useful websites that you may want to visit for tips, help or just inspiration.

  • This BBC website has a list of 6 ways in which art can inspire and benefit children. It suggests 6 simple activities that you can do from home


  • This website gives you 500 art activities that you could try with your children, most of them need only minimal resources.


  • This web site gives you a virtual tour of an art gallery and also lists many of the well – known artists from times gone by.


Examples of Art and Design at John Perry Primary School

Year 1

In Year 1, the children were creating spirals on the playground. The children learnt how to use their bodies to create large scale pieces of art.


Year 3

In Year 3, the children created drawings inspired by Cave Paintings. The children used a charcoal and chalk to create realistic images inspired by their focus artists, Laura McKendry and Edgar Degas.

 Design & Technology Intent, Implementation and Impact


At John Perry Primary School, we intend to deliver a Design and Technology curriculum which is stimulating, challenging and practical. We want our children to develop their creativity and be resourceful; we want them to design and make products that are useful and be able to solve real life problems. We intend for all children to acquire appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. It is our aim to create strong cross curricular links with other subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Computing, and Art. We want our Design and Technology curriculum to prepare our children for their future, to give them the opportunity to explore and create and, finally, give them the experience that they need to be successful later on in life. 


At John Perry Primary School, we are dedicated to the teaching and delivery of high-quality Design and Technology lessons, that inspire and promote creative outcomes. Design and Technology lessons are a fundamental part of our school curriculum. 

This is implemented through: 

  • A well-thought-out, whole school, curriculum overview that promotes a range of topics and a progression of skills. 
  • Well planned and resourced projects, that provide children with hands on experience and an opportunity to build and create, make and evaluate prototypes of their own design. 
  • A curriculum that focuses on Health and Safety and allows children to gain an understanding of tools, equipment and techniques in a safe and secure environment. 
  • A curriculum that instils a love of food and nutrition; children have the opportunity to prepare and cook a variety of dishes. 
  • Each project from Year 1 to Year 6 addressing the principles of designing, making, and evaluating and incorporating relevant technical knowledge and understanding in relevant contexts. 



Children at John Perry will have confidence and enjoyment in Design and Technology, that they will then apply to other areas of the curriculum. Pupils will take risks, become resourceful, innovative and capable citizens. Children at John Perry will confidently perform everyday tasks and participate successfully in the ever-growing technological world. Through our carefully designed curriculum, children at John Perry gain a firm and secure understanding of knowledge and skills that enable them to flourish as they progress through their schooling and further education. 

Early Years Foundation Stage 

Through planning and assessing the learning and development of each individual child, our EYFS curriculum provides children with a secure foundation. The EYFS Curriculum at John Perry creates opportunities for all learners to take part in activities that promote Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design, through a combination of child initiated and adult lead activities. 

Children in EYFS at John Perry Primary School have the opportunity to: 

  • Use different media and materials to express themselves 
  • Plan, make and create with a purpose in mind, using a range of resources and equipment 
  • Develop skills to use simple tools correctly and safely 
  • Cook and prepare food, learning about good health and hygiene routines 

Curriculum Overview: View Here

Design and Technology in Action at John Perry Primary School
Year 5 

Year 1
We listened to the story of The Gingerbread Man and learnt how stories can be made into a moving picture. We then followed instructions on how to make a sliding mechanism. We decided on the character we wanted to use from our story to catch the gingerbread man. 




Year 2
Year 2 children learning to sew.


Computing Curriculum Intent

Through our Computing curriculum at John Perry Primary, we aim to give our pupils the life skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way. Our aim is to provide a high-quality Computing education which equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.
We want our pupils to be able to operate in the 21st century workplace and to know the career opportunities that will open up to them if they become skilled in using new technologies. We want our pupils to become enlightened and independent users of computing technologies, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities.
Computing has deep links with Mathematics, Science and Design & Technology, thus ensuring a solid grounding for future learning in other curriculum areas. By the time our pupils leave John Perry Primary School, they will feel equipped with the knowledge and confidence to meet the challenges of their digital future.


It is our aim at John Perry to:

• Provide a relevant, challenging and enjoyable Computing curriculum for all pupils.

• Build competence and confidence in choosing and using appropriate applications.

• Ensure pupils have an ability to apply computing skills to real-life problems.

• Be able to respond to new developments in technology.

• Develop and understand how to use IT and computing safely and responsibly.

Computing programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2
Progression of skills and knowledge in Computing


The website links below will provide support and additional learning opportunities for your child:
Purple Mash– A comprehensive suite of learning tools and content, designed to be used by primary-aged children in the classroom and at home.
BBC Bitesize Computing– Simple to follow lessons and videos for pupils age 4 to 14. Keep learning with short films, quizzes and practise activities related to current topics in the classroom and at home.
Scratch– Helps young people learn essential skills for life in the 21st century such as creative thinking, systematic reasoning and work as part of a team Barefoot Computing– Enjoyable activities designed by teaching professionals for families to do at home with their children

MFL Curriculum Intent


Here at John Perry we ensure that every child is able to have the opportunity to learn a new language and explore a variety cultures and traditions link to foreign language; enriching their lives and widening their skill set. This will enable them to form new and broader experiences, which they may have never had the opportunity to do so before, prompting diversity and inclusion.

At John Perry we strive to give the children opportunities to celebrate different cultures and languages; to develop an awareness of others around them and their own cultural identities; to be able to learn new ways to communicate with others and become lifelong learners. They should be able to develop their understanding of a new language, where it is derived from and commonly spoken. Using links to their grammatical understanding in English children are encouraged to compose sentences and phrases that will help them express themselves and understand others in another language. We use our Language of the month and celebration assemblies and events to help provide a rich and broad experience in MFL as well as our focus language (French) that we study throughout KS2.

  • Children have the opportunity to learn a new languages in depth across KS2.
  • To be able to express themselves through speaking simple phrases and sentences in another language.
  • To develop confidence in their linguistic abilities.
  • To have the opportunity to listen to literature, music and people from non-English speaking communities.
  • To appreciate, explore and celebrate other cultures and languages around the world.

Progression of Skills 

Children will build on and develop their language skills as they progress through KS2 in primary school. These skills will give the children the opportunity to develop their understanding of how language is constructed and transferred between different languages with a focus on French. Children will build their skills from word-based learning to whole sentence/paragraph skills both verbally, through reading and in written form. 

MFL Website Links

Programme of study (NC link)


MFL 2023-2024 Curriculum Overview:  View Here

MFL Cognates Progression map KS2:  View Here

MFL Vocabulary List KS2:  View Here

Music Policy Intent


Our vision at John Perry Primary School is best expressed through the original Department for Education National curriculum overview:

“Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high- quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.”

(DFE, 2014 National Curriculum Music Programmes of study for KS1 and KS2)
We want our pupils to be able to have the opportunities to appreciate different forms of music, to enjoy their experiences of new and different types of music, to develop an awareness of cultural music, to participate in the making of music and become musicians themselves. They should be able to develop their music learning skills within a creative and rich context, which has meaning and purpose.

Aims & Objectives

To ensure that every child throughout EYFS, KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to:
· experience a variety of music
· be able to learn new musical skills
· learn appreciation of music through music from different cultures

  • Experience musical opportunities to enrich their life-long learning through the Central Music Services, who provide whole class teaching of instruments, assemblies and live performances.

We provide a rich and consistent model for Music teaching and learning, which is reviewed, monitored and improved regularly. 

Progression of Skills 

Children will build on and develop their musical skills as they progress through primary school. These skills will give the children the opportunity to create more of an understanding of how become musicians and composers independently. 

Music WebLinks

Programme of study (NC link)

Extra-curricular Clubs

At John Perry we are committed to offering a range of extra-curricular clubs. Places at school clubs are booked on a termly basis via Parentpay. Parents are notified about which clubs are running each term.

We work with a range of external providers who offer sporting activities such as football, dodgeball and gymnastics. We also have providers who offer a daily breakfast and after-school club, core subjects (for Years 2 and 6), keyboard and guitar. School staff also run clubs which may include NFL and swimming.

Most of the clubs take place after school, although a small number may take place before school or at lunchtime.

Costs of the clubs vary depending on the provider and prices are listed on the letters which are sent to families before the clubs become available for booking. The prices will also be visible when booking via Parentpay.

If you have any questions regarding clubs, please direct these to the school office.

2024 – 2025 Extra-Curricular Clubs



“Reading is prioritised from the time children start school. A love of reading is fostered by regular visits to the school library and teachers reading a rich range of literature to their classes, including from texts chosen by pupils.”


How is the curriculum being delivered?

This is implemented through structured, personalised, and flexible teaching. We use a combination of teaching methods and adapt them to support the pupils learning styles and needs. We implement all outside professionals’ input throughout.

Learning over time

Our curriculum is designed to advance understanding, give our children opportunities for generalisation and opportunities to encounter learning objectives over time, revisiting and transferring knowledge until they can demonstrate the required degree of understanding.

Sensory (pre-formal learners): Pupils with profound and complex needs learn through consistent routines, sensory experiences and interaction with adults.

Primary (semi-formal and formal learners): Pupils learn through play, exploration, practical activities and community involvement


Our pupils are allocated a mainstream class where they can take part in learning in areas of strength. This enables our pupils to learn within larger groups of children, transfer learnt skills and knowledge to a different environment and teaching staff. A member of ARP staff supports our pupils in interacting with others and extending their learning as needed.