Safeguarding and Online safety

John Perry Primary is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors and promoting a climate where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns.

We aim to safeguard and promote the welfare of children by protecting them from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in our school is the responsibility of the whole school community. All adults working in this School are required to report instances of actual or suspected child abuse or neglect to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

If you have any Safeguarding or child protection concerns, you should contact the staff below at school.

The Safeguarding Team:  Ms Nina Rajan-Weare is Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Karen Langridge,  Mrs Lori Buckle, Mrs Vicky Walker and Mrs Gabi Hart are Deputy Safeguarding Leads.

Mrs Annette Rose and Mrs Kirstie Southall are Safeguarding Governors.

Contact via Email:


 Safeguarding poster 2024


The school’s policy applies to the whole of the school’s workforce, along with volunteers, governors and any contractors working on the school site.

Our safeguarding procedures focus on 5 main elements:

  • Staff recruitment and selection – ensuring that all staff (volunteers etc.) have been appropriately checked for their suitability, using the Safe Recruitment procedures.
  • Raising awareness of safeguarding issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe.
  • Developing and implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.
  • Supporting pupils who have been abused, in accordance with an agreed, child-centred plan.
  • Establishing a safe and nurturing environment free from discrimination or bullying, where children can learn and develop happily.

We recognise that because of their day-to-day contact with children, school staff are ideally placed to observe the outward signs of abuse.  Staff in schools will therefore:

  • Report any inappropriate behaviour / activities to designated staff.
  • Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
  • Ensure that children know that they can approach any adult in school if they are worried and they will receive a consistent, supportive response.
  • Provide, within the PSHE curriculum, opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to recognise, and stay safe, from abuse.

What does safeguarding mean for our children at school?

“Safeguarding” refers to all the things we do to make sure you are kept safe from any harm.

Safeguarding means that staff will:

  • Protect you from harm.
  • Make sure that nothing stops you being healthy or developing properly.
  • Make sure that you are looked after.
  • Make sure that you have the best life chances and can grow up happy and successful.

We will make sure that the school is a friendly, welcoming and supportive place to spend time in, making it somewhere you want to be.

We want to make sure that you know who to ask for help, and will plan lessons to help you know how to look after yourself online and in the real world.

What is Child protection?

Child Protection is part of Safeguarding and promoting welfare. It refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.

You can find out more in our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.

What is Prevent duty?

Schools have a legal duty, called the Prevent duty, to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

At John Perry we take safeguarding extremely seriously and are aware that radicalisation can have a similarly effect on young people, families and communities. Protecting pupils from the influence of extremist ideas is therefore an important part of our school’s safeguarding role.

By fostering a strong school ethos, underpinned by our school values and Inclusive curriculum, and actively promoting fundamental British values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance) we actively promote our students’ resilience to extremist narratives and prepare them for life in modern Britain.

Staff Understanding of Safeguarding and Child Protection

All staff must read and sign Part 1 of Keeping children Safe in Education 2023 and all staff receive a regular and up-to-date safeguarding and child protection training session annually.

Our Early Help Offer

Early Help refers to the offer of any information, advice or support to children, young people and their families as soon as possible in their lives, or when issues emerge, to help prevent problems from escalating. 

At John Perry we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children. There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case please come and talk to us. There are many ways in which we can help as outlined in this offer of early help.

The diagram below shows the range of needs at different levels (please just click it to view a larger copy). We use this graduated approach to make sure we provide the best support for different families’ individual situations to make sure we provide the best support for families’ individual situations.
Early Help Support: View Here


ren have settled well at John Perry. They are happy and they work hard. They have good friends and they are nice to one another.’ Year 2 and 5 par

Pupil Voice

We asked our pupils some questions about safeguarding in our school:

Are there any places in school where you don’t feel safe?
‘I feel safe in all places in school.’ 
‘No, I love school. I have lots of friends and they never make me sad.’
If you were feeling upset, would you talk to an adult in school? Why?
‘Yes, the Safeguarding Team and my teacher. They’d help me calm down.’
‘You can talk to anyone: the teachers, your parents, the teachers in the playground.’

Support During School Holidays

As we are not in a position to call over the holiday, please take on the following advice

  1. If you are in danger you must call 999 immediately
  2. If you are concerned about hurting yourself please go straight to A and E, or to hospital
  3. The easiest option is to ring Childline – on 0800 1111 this is a free phone number and can be made from a mobile, home or pay phone and is not traceable so your parents will not be aware. If you or your sibling has a mobile then use this. Explain how you are feeling as they are trained professionals and will be able to direct support to you eg counselling, the police or other services
  4. If you have any family or a trusted adult I would advise you speak to them or go and see them immediately. They will be able to offer you support and someone to talk to

You can also use Kooth website and Shoutout (both linked below) for free confidential counselling on your phone or computer and there is also new app called Hidden Strength which does a similar job.

Please ensure you take up one of the suggestions above and talk to a trusted adult.

Take care and remember the support mentioned above, whilst this won’t be an instant cure to how you are feeling they will understand and be able to talk you through strategies and support available to help you.

Useful places to go for information: 

For more information about our approach to safeguarding please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.


At Home

Parents can have a difficult job keeping up with their children on the fast changing technology available to them, let alone knowing the dangers they face. The issues of safety, privacy, online predators or grooming and cyber bullying are sometimes complex, both technically and psychologically and parents can struggle to keep up.

Social Media

We would like remind parents that the minimum age to open an account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Skype and Snapchat is 13. Whilst many parents choose to allow younger children to use these services we cannot recommend this. To keep your children safe on social media parents should ensure that the correct privacy settings are enabled, and that appropriate adult supervision is provided while using online services.

Here are a selection of guides about particular apps with advice:

Facebook          Instagram          Snapchat             Tiktok

CBBC – One Direction Parody Song – “Who do you share your details with?”

Listen to this funny One Direction parody song! CBBC Newsround supergroup ‘News Kids on the Block’ have some helpful tips on using the internet safely. View Here

Horrible Histories | Surfing the Web Safely | CBBC
Horrible Histories shows us how to surf the web safely by giving us helpful tips. View Here


Games offer a wide range of experiences to suit all tastes and abilities. Some of these focus on entertainment, but others also include educational, cultural, social and skills benefits. By finding the right games for your family, you can discover experiences that take you to new worlds, encourage fresh creativity and get the whole family playing together. From educational benefits, to collaboration and teamwork skills there are a wide range of benefits that video games offer families.

Here are a selection of guides about particular apps with advice:

Minecraft          Fortnite             Apex Legends           Call of Duty          Nintendo Switch        Playstation


Keep your children up to date with the correct News. Watch CBBC’s Newsround, a great source of factual, fun and interesting real life news.

Earlsmead on CBBC newsround — Earlsmead Primary School

Online Safety Newsletters
Issue 1 Online Safety Newsletter September 2024: View Here


Online Safety

As our world continues to move online, it is becoming obvious that we are living in a digital age. From communication to finding information, the internet has become our preferred choice. For children, there is no exception. In fact, the younger generations are the first to grow up with the internet as something that defines their lives. With these changes come unfamiliar problems and insecurities, but also ways of finding our feet in this new world.



‘My children have settled well at John Perry. They are happy and they work hard. They have good friends and they are nice to one another.’ Year 2 and 5 par



Kiddle is a safe, visual search engine for kids powered by Google. The first three results to each query are kidsafe sites and pages written specifically for children and hand-picked by the editors at Kiddle.

Fake News

“Fake news is where false information is presented as genuine news. Disinformation and conspiracy theories, for example about coronavirus, are often widely spread on social media. These stories could be worrying for a child, and extremists are also using this to influence people. Help your child to spot fake news with the tips in this factsheet.”

Fake News-Parent’s Factsheet January 21: View Here
Fake news-Parent’s factsheet March 22: View Here

Discord-Information: View Here

Online sexual Harassment: View Here

Understanding Screen Addiction : View Here

ThinkUKnow: View Here

CEOP(Child Exploitation and Online Protection): View Here

Jigsaw Video: View Here

BBC Teach: View Here

BBC Own It: View Here

Roblox: View Here

Lucy’s Story-Cyberbullying: View Here

Gaming Advice: View Here

Parental Controls Booklet: View Here

Wellbeing Advice

One of the most common effects of staring at back-lit screens for long periods of time is eye strain. Symptoms of eye strain include:
Dry eyes
Blurred vision
This happens for two reasons. The first is that when we look at a screen, our blink rate drops by about 50%. Blinking is what keeps our eyes hydrated, and not doing so can result in a dry, gritty feeling. The second is muscle fatigue. If focus is maintained for long periods, the muscles controlling the lens can become overworked and tired.

Please download our poster, designed to help you and your children take better care of their eyes and bodies. View Here 

Useful Websites

These websites provide advice on all of the online safety issues covered and gives parents valuable advice about gaming, social media, youtube and browsing the internet.

BBC StaySafe     Think U Know   Childnet International    Internet Matters    NSPCC Pants Rule    NSPCC Pants Song    Hectors’s World


BBC Stay Dafe logo

Think U Know logoChildnet logoInternet Matters - Own It - BBC          


If you need assistance with parental controls, here are links from Google and Apple. Click on the image to be re-directed to the respective website.