In Year 2 we work as part of a highly effective team to support our children in making the best possible progress.  Our aim is for all children to reach their full potential in a happy, caring atmosphere, where everyone is valued.

We want children to become self-motivated, organised, responsible and considerate to others and the environment.  We believe enjoyment and willingness to learn are key factors in your child’s success at school.

We foster these by providing a relevant and challenging curriculum that will establish a sound foundation on which to build future learning.  We recognise that children develop in different ways and at different rates and therefore we ensure each child has appropriate levels of work.


In English, we study a range of text types, including adventure stories such as Peter Pan, stories by Julia Donaldson and traditional tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk. We love putting our own twists on the stories once we have learned them. We also begin to look at the grammatical features of writing more closely. In Mathematics we spend time learning to add and subtract two digit numbers, developing an understanding of multiplication and learning to tell the time. This all helps to make sure that we understand the key skills of mental arithmetic by the time our children leave Year Two.

Our foundation subjects are taught through the IPC. The Year 2 IPC units are fun and exciting and provide cross curricular links. Many units have a focus on science which provides us with the many opportunities to put on a white coat and become scientists! We love conducting experiments, practising fair tests and predicting outcomes. Each week, year two also enjoy playing a range of musical instruments with a specialist music teacher.

To find out what we have been up to this week, visit our class blog!

For further information you can view our Curriculum maps here:


Mrs Buckle

Hello, I am Mrs Buckle. In 2012 I completed my Primary Teaching with Science Specialism degree at Kingston University obtaining a first class degree with honours.

My first teaching post was at Aveley Primary School in Thurrock where I taught in Year One and Year Two. In 2014, I joined the team at John Perry Primary School and have spent three enjoyable years as a Year Two class teacher.

I strongly believe that all children should have positive learning experiences at school, which give them the skills and qualities that they need to help them develop into well rounded members of society. When I am not teaching, I like to cook, travel and look after Dotty and Betsy (my cats!).

Mrs Willmer

My name is Mrs Willmer and I have been teaching at John Perry Primary for 7 years. Previously, I taught at another school within the Borough. I am currently teaching in Reception but have had teaching experience in all year groups from Reception through to Year 6.
I have been a teacher now for 12 years. I went to university in Sydney, Australia and have a Bachelor of Education, specialising in Primary Education. I taught for a few years in Australia, before moving over to the UK.
I believe children are more successful with their learning when they feel confident and happy within their learning environment. The most rewarding part of being a teacher, is watching the children in your class learn and discover new things through a creative, imaginative and active curriculum.
When I am not teaching I am spending time with my family. I have a husband and two young children of my own, who keep me very busy!

Miss Cridland

Hi, my name is Miss Cridland. I have worked at John Perry for the last 2 years working in year 1.

The reason I moved to John Perry was due to its warm and welcoming nature. Everyday is a new challenge and I enjoy working with children helping them to succeed. I love to be creative in my classroom and always try to create an exciting and enthusiastic environment to learn in. I love the arts, especially music!

In my spare time I love to horse ride, take cooking classes, learn a new language, Play the saxophone, flute and piano and travel.

Ms Bennett

Hi, my name is Ms Bennet. I have been teaching in year 2 for the past 3 years.




2W Class Assembly

We hope you enjoy our sharing assembly.  We are going to tell you about all the amazing things we have been learning in Maths, English and Humanities. We have worked very hard and had lots of fun.  We are looking forward to what we will learn next term. https://youtu.be/uf3RcItbsR8

2R’s Assembly

Throughout the year the children have worked hard on developing their handwriting and their sentence structure. They were greatly inspired by the story ‘Fox’ by Margaret Wild. This story is full of powerful illustrations and excellent vocabulary which caught everyone’s imagination. Using the text as our focus, the children were able to write character descriptions, [...]