Black History, Poetry, Debates and a Bug Hunt…OH MY!

This week has been a busy week for 5L! For Black History we have been learning about slavery and a man called Frederick Douglass who helped changed the lives of not only black people but he also fought for women’s rights. We have been writing a balanced argument to understand why some people thought slavery was okay in the 19th century and the reasons as to why it was abolished. We even did a conscious alley to display the for and against reasons. 

From learning the conditions of slaves in the slave trade, we were able to create a poem inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Still I rise’. In this poem, we took the role as a slave and wrote inspiring poetry about staying resilient even when life is at its worst. 

We also went on a bug hunt as for Art day, we were learning about nature and insects. We have drawn some pictures of bees and other insects. The children had time to learn how to sketch with different types of pencils and use pastels. 

Alex- So much interesting learning this week!

Chizaram- I loved my bee drawing! I never knew I could draw like this!

Posted in: Uncategorized, Year Five

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