Category: Nursery

Readers And Writers

Hello again to our Nursery children and families! We really hope you are all doing well. You’ve been doing more great work at home. Let’s look at some of the amazing writing and reading work you have been doing! All the best, Nursery team 🙂

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Counting, Crafts, Planting, Tray Gardens…

Hello again Nursery children and families!  How are you all doing?  It’s been so lovely to see your fantastic work, you’ve been so busy!  Take a look at what you have been learning:  Wishing you all the best,  Nursery team 🙂 

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Nursery Hello And Home Learning

Hi Nursery children and families, We hope you’re all doing well, we’re missing you all.  So many of you have been busy reading stories on Bug Club, which is fantastic! We’ve also seen some great work that you’ve done on Purple Mash and from our home learning packs. Thank you for all your hard work!  […]

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Nursery RE

  In Nursery we have been discussing holy words and the religions of Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. We have been talking about different festivals that we can celebrate during the year and how people might celebrate them. 

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