Category: Nursery

Building Homes For The Ducklings – Friday 14th May

We have been busy this week building some homes for the ducklings.  The ducklings were very hungry and thirsty today, they enjoyed drinking their water and eating their food.  Let’s see how much they grow over the weekend…! 🙂 

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Ducklings Hatching Part 2 – Thursday 13th May

We had another 2 ducklings hatch today!  One hatched at 9:30am, the next duckling hatched at 5pm.  Now we have 4 altogether!  “They’re saying cheep cheep!”  “They’re talking to us!”  We also built some homes for the ducklings using construction toys.  “This is the slide”  “This is the door.” 

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Ducklings Hatching :) Wednesday 12th May

We had a great surprise when we came into Nursery this morning – one of the ducklings had hatched!  The Nursery children loved looking at the ducklings today and talking about what they could see. We first looked when the 2nd duckling hadn’t hatched yet and was inside the egg trying to hatch.  Then the 2nd […]

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Duckling Eggs – Tuesday 11th May

Here is today’s egg picture. Can you see anything?  Some of them are starting to crack! How egg-citing! 🙂    The children suggested some rules that we will follow and they also said how we can look after the ducklings and eggs.  These are the rules that they thought of:  Well done for your great […]

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Eggs! (2021) – Monday 10th May 2021

In Nursery today, we got some eggs! What do you think might be inside them? They are sitting in the incubator. What will the eggs do next? Keep checking our blog to find out!

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Works of Art and Creative Activities

Hi Nursery children and families,  Take a look at these brilliant art activities that some of you have been doing at home, maybe you want to try some of these activities (I know that we want to give them a go!).  A great way to create Elmer using shapes, glue and an empty milk carton!  […]

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Exploring and Exercising

Hello there!  Take a look below at more exciting activities that some of you have been doing, great work!  You’ve been going on plant hunt to explore and see what flowers and plants you can find:    You’ve been doing lots of exercising and trying Joe Wick’s PE classes:    You have been busy playing […]

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Literacy And Maths Learning

Hello Nursery children and families,  Here are some more exciting reading, writing and maths activities that you have been doing, what amazing work!  Wishing you all the best,  Miss Dulwich, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Sirazi 🙂 

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Nursery Art

Hi Nursery children and families,  Here are some of the amazing art activities that you have been doing at home.  All the best,  Miss Dulwich, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Sirazi 🙂    

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Nursery Maths

Hello there to our Nursery children and families! How are you all doing? Here are some of the brilliant maths work you have been doing. Addition, matching numerals to quantities, tally charts, writing numbers, sorting everyday objects into 2D shapes, wow you’ve been working hard! Wishing you all the best, Miss Dulwich, Mrs Thomas and […]

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